Renegade: Darcus Howe
Renegade examines the struggle for racial justice in the UK through the lens of one of Britain's most influential, and controversial, journalists and campaigners, Darcus Howe.
Born in Trinidad during the dying days of colonialism, Darcus Howe became an uncompromising champion of racial justice. The book examines how his unique political outlook was inspired by the example of his friend and mentor C.L.R. James, and forged in the heat of the American civil rights movement, as well as Trinidad's Black Power Revolution.
Darcus Howe took a leading role in the defining struggles in Britain, against institutional racism in the police, the courts and the media. Renegade focuses on his part as a defendant in the trial of the Mangrove Nine - the high point of Black Power in Britain; his role in conceiving and organizing the Black People's Day of Action (the largest ever demonstration by the Black community in Britain), and his later work as a prominent journalist and political commentator.
Authors: Robin Bunce and Paul Field.
Format: paperback.
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